It was 25 degrees this morning when I took the pooches out. Not exactly April weather around here. So I put a fire on in the kitchen and made some Zeke's Tanzanian AAA (delicious!) before the kiddos began to trickle out of bed and into the kitchen, in search of food. I gave the hubby a treat and let him sleep in, since no meetings this morning.
Around 9 am, everyone was gone but our little guy, who is four. He decided that because it's cold outside today, that he would dress up like an elf. He put his striped pjs on and a Santa hat, then colored printed out Santa pictures from the internet pretty much all morning, which allowed me some time at the kitchen island with my paints, acrylic paint pens, and a a 36x48 canvas.
I believe I mentioned that the University of Maryland, College Park show deadline is this Thursday. I've never cranked out a big canvas in two days, but why not try? Worst case scenario is it turns out terrible and I paint over it. But the execution isn't really the hard's trying to decided what to paint.
At Melange I in March, my "Cold Feet" got the most views, so I thought I'ld do a supersize of the same piece, changing only a small amount of the composition.
I started today and this is what i've got so far:
Just for reference, the original "Cold Feet" is in the right bottom corner. These new feet really are huge, although you won't see my subject at a political debate bragging about the size of them. BEN CARSON- I MISS YOU!!!! PLEASE RETURN TO THE PODIUM!
Her's my little guy tickling the feet. The light portrait pink underpainting is needed to get the flesh tones just right.
Here's the best part about working at home on a cold day...I can make sourdough bread and let it rise by the cherrywood fire while I paint a few feet away at the island. Can you smell all the goodness from where you are?
A warm "hello" to my new viewers in India, South Korea, and The Ivory Coast--Thanks for stopping by and come back tomorrow night for a finished painting, "Cold Feet No. 2" (God willing).