A native Marylander with a new basecamp in Traverse City, Michigan.   I think I’m going to like it here.

A native Marylander with a new basecamp in Traverse City, Michigan. I think I’m going to like it here.


I’ve been documenting my creative endeavors since 2014. Thoughts on the creative process, my travels, shows, new ideas and what’s on my easel are just a few things I post on. Feel free to linger…

A Cursed Canvas or Just Sucky Painting on My Part?

It's Thursday and this is the first time this week I've had some time to explore *exactly* why my 20x48 canvas that I spent so much money on in order to paint something worth viewing has been painted over three times now.  It seems like everything I put down on it turns into doodoo (I'm trying to keep this post rated G).

So today I was again back at square one having zero luck or artistic inspiration when this canvas is on my easel.  But this time I decided to let the painting happen on it's own.  Perhaps this canvas had something in mind for itself and I kept boogering that vision up.  

I always find I feel more creative when painting outside on a nice day, and when it's hot (like today), the heat does funny things to acrylic paint.  After getting my materials together I trekked out of doors to the driveway (I know...really far!).  The blacktop was canopied in the shade of an ancient maple.  Perfect because the blistering sun will do just that to my paint: Blister it.  Not pretty.

After spraying another layer of acrylic on half of the canvas, the hues of paintings past began to show through, blending with the new paint and creating a landscape of its own, complete with drippy paint resembling roots in the ground (I realize this is a stretch but just hang with me here).

After applying a bit of water and swishing it around a bit, I got a great sky foundation.  So, I have separation of earth and sky...just what I needed to get started on a modern farmscape of acreage down the road from our home that I've been wanting to paint.  I'm thrilled with this so far and that's saying a lot.  I haven't been this excited about a painting in four months or longer.  I've had a terrible case of painter's block.

Here are some in-process photos.  Please check back tomorrow for my next paint application.  Could be clouds or could be trees.  I know, the suspense it killing you.

Painting on an old sheet so I don't paint the driveway....

Painting on an old sheet so I don't paint the driveway....

A little taste of what will be my sky.

A little taste of what will be my sky.

These may end up being tree roots...

These may end up being tree roots...

I want to send a warm hello to St. Croix Co, Wisconsin.  Thank you for viewing!  There used to be a great art gallery across the river in Stillwater on the main street.  I spent much time there browsing and even talked my mom into buying a piece for her dining room that I still love to see when I go home.

Stay tuned!

I'm gonna blame this one on the upcoming election...

Happy Saturday!