Good afternoon. After four or so makeovers of this piece I believe I've found a composition that I'm truly pleased with. Although I'm a huge fan of shocking color, I feel like the landscape got rather lost up against all that cloud activity. I could be wrong, but this piece is easier to gaze at now. Here's a photo of it (very wet!) on my kitchen island. It's much too dark to paint in my studio today.
Yes, I know it's sideways, but it needs to dry before I can hang it to take a right-side-up shot.
As you can see, the photo turned out a little yellowish. Not sure what that's about. Please try and ignore the tint.
I've been working on this piece for nearly three weeks and am absolutely stoked that it's done. However, not nearly as stoked as I am about the fact that it's already found a home (thank you, Cincinnati!). Hopefully she hasn't changed her mind after seeing the final product. If that's the case, no worries. I think "Custer State Park" may be juried into a show or two before it's officially retired. Either way, I'm feeling really good right now (and wholly relieved).
I've chosen a new subject for a painting, and will sketch that out tomorrow. It a lobsterman.
I spent last week in DownEast Maine and was again inspired by the salty watermen there. They are all over the place and have the most amazing faces, especially the really seasoned ones. If that isn't reason enough to paint a lobsterman, then consider what the world might be like without them--No lobster chow-dah. Terrible.
See you all tomorrow and a warm welcome to L.A., Harrisburg, Monkton, Stilllwater, and Newark!