I was really excited that my husband was going to work from home today. I was thinking we could have lunch together...maybe some mid-afternoon coffee.
But it's 1:37 pm and he's only given me one sentence today. And it wasn't until a moment or two ago that I realized why. He's protesting.
After the kiddos get home, I'm taking "Moe", our 80-pound male weimeraner puppy in to "get fixed" and my hubby is mad. Never mind the fact that poor Moe has almost gotten hit three times this week trying to lose his virginity to the hot-and-bothered lady dog across the street.
I can hear her (and so can he), calling out to him with a "Come and get me, Boy!" sound. Moe has been sitting on my bed all day, his nose pressed to the screen of the nearby open window, listening to her summon him from across the road. Poor Moe.
Then finally, a few thoughtful words from my husband..., "Maybe we could get him some of those fake testicles so his skin doesn't just hang there..."
"Is that what you're upset about? You want to get Moe some 'Truck Nutz'?!" I retorted. "How about some standard marbles? They're cheaper..." I suggested. He didn't find my rebuttal the slightest bit amusing.
And that was the end of the discussion. He's mad. He doesn't want to get the dog fixed, even though the dog has been marking up my house and running across the road.
On the upside...All that silence worked in my favor! I was able to get about halfway done on a not yet named painting depicting a really lovely cloud and sky. I'm really excited about how lofty and tender these clouds are. I used a dry brush technique and the result is really soft edges.
The composition is loosely based on a photo I took of a nearby farm road with a rather large storm cloud rolling in from behind.
About two hours in, with my inspiration photo above the canvas...
I spent about an hour defining the clouds here...
I added some highlighting then stopped here today.
I'll be laying down the rest tomorrow afternoon and will have this one wrapped up by Wednesday afternoon. Thursday is the last day of school and after that, I hope to be painting with the kiddos each day and posting as we go!