First of all, it’s pretty flattering to be asked to head up any large, great exposure project without someone placing restrictive parameters on the outcome. So when our music/visual arts director at my church asked me to think about a a wall-art project to enhance the experience of our regular attenders and guests, I was thrilled (and a little stressed!). Beginning this fall, our common spaces/greeting/fellowship before, after, and in between services will purposefully reflect the current seasons/series. We will, as a family/congregation, dive into Biblical truths that might help us all better apply ancient wisdom to today’s concerns, which are surprisingly similar to what average folks, two-thousand + years ago were looking at. Namely, how to approach God and this life in a way that is reflective of the grace and mercy that we have been given by Him. And of course, how to relate to each other, and encourage others to find and follow Jesus. There is freedom in faith, and the purpose of the teachings of Christ are more liberating than believers often portray (read: grumpy, judgmental fuddy-duddies, who live by impossible to follow rules presented by a radical hippy Rabbi some 2000 years ago).
Christians, like many other religions, are not always great at practicing what they preach. Plenty of folks have been turned off to our faith by folks that do not live by the principles of Christ, namely, the first and foremost commandment being “Love thy Neighbor”.
On a lighter note, I recently got wind that my piece, “Nor’easter” was chosen to be featured on all the marketing materials and related blurbs for the 2018 Collector’s Choice event through Maryland Federation of Art late October at Annapolis Volvo! “Nor’easter is still available, so contact me if you would like to add it to your collection. It’s an imposing piece, a larger size with bright color and bold movement!
Nor’easter 30x40 $1500 avalible (but not for long!)
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