I ended up doing paperwork / marketing stuff most of the morning instead of starting at the easel early. Does that ever happen to you?...You intend to do one, very important task, then have a pile of to-do things remind you that your attention is needed there, first?
Which brings me to my next subject...four children and a hubby with a very demanding job has lead me to accept an offer of representation from an art consultant who collaborates with designers, corporate collectors, and just flat out pounds the pavement to market her client's work.
The fact is that I haven't had much time at the easel in recent months because I've been working behind the scenes, building relationships, meeting folks, etc. Enter Kellee Wynne Conrad... She's been a friend for a couple years now and is a very talented painter in her own right. She was the artist in residence for Jordan Faye Contemporary in Downtown Baltimore last year, a highly coveted position that she absolutely deserved and excelled at. I admire her very much and she will, as of next Tuesday, be the face of my art (as well as a handful of others) out there in the community, so I can be in my studio, painting, which is my favorite place to be. Pretty exciting. And having a rep is quite a chi-chi kind of arrangement. Does this mean I'm moving up in the world?
I have a few photos for you. First, the marketing materials for Melange I at MFA came in and I wanted to share them with you. Email me if you'd like me to send you one or you may request one from the MFA at no cost. I'm the first painting on the second row...
Just for reference, I am showing with Joe Dickey, who has his studio/ gallery at The Watergate in D.C. (yes, that very same building that Nixed Nixon). Patrice Drago is an artist in residence at Maryland Hall for the Arts, and several of these folks are art professors. No pressure, right?
I did have a bit of a SNAFU today while trying to finish up my Monks....I changed varnish, and the new one does not give the correct effect, so I have to rework a few things before it's truly done. But, here's a photo, just in case you're curious...I regret to inform you that it is still not done. Ugh.