A native Marylander with a new basecamp in Traverse City, Michigan.   I think I’m going to like it here.

A native Marylander with a new basecamp in Traverse City, Michigan. I think I’m going to like it here.


I’ve been documenting my creative endeavors since 2014. Thoughts on the creative process, my travels, shows, new ideas and what’s on my easel are just a few things I post on. Feel free to linger…

Best Day Ever!

Today I felt a notable sigh of relief as my brand spanking new art rep left my studio after a most fruitful meeting.   Myself and twelve others artists are championed by this little red headed art consultant in the creative theaters of  interior design, architecture, corporate art acquisition, art enthusiasts, etc.  

Some of the fun we had today...I made breakfast and coffee (thank you chickens and Zeke's!) and she and I traded ideas, discussing everything from palettes, styles, and approaches to painting to the pros and cons of individual mediums...Then she formally interviewed me so that her clients can get a feel for where I'm at and where I'm going artistically.  

The creative energy was infectious, enriching, and an obvious confirmation that I've been blessed to be asked to join her personal arsenal of paint slingers.

She had me do some painting during the visit to get a few shots of me in action!  I actually hate getting my picture taken and couldn't be less photogenic but she managed to get one without me wearing a goofy look, closing my eyes, or laughing …

She had me do some painting during the visit to get a few shots of me in action!  I actually hate getting my picture taken and couldn't be less photogenic but she managed to get one without me wearing a goofy look, closing my eyes, or laughing so hard that my face was squished up and red.  It's hard for me to be so serious, especially when I'm nervous...

Here's an image she shared with me of my "Ruby (Green/Gold)" painting.  Notice she played with the image a bit, blurring the edges of the background to make it more modern.  This is genius, because she took my signature style and adapted i…

Here's an image she shared with me of my "Ruby (Green/Gold)" painting.  Notice she played with the image a bit, blurring the edges of the background to make it more modern.  This is genius, because she took my signature style and adapted it to a background so that viewers can see what it looks like in a styled room.  The best part is that I can easily paint this modified version.

I am hoping to do more commissions in my interpretive realism portraiture.  It's a great way to capture children in a timeless manner--Something they can hang on the walls later that isn't a dated photo that they're embarrassed of when they are grown. My children each have one of these now that I painted in their likeness.  My girls asked me if they can take it "when they get married".  I replied, "Yes, as long as you wait to make me a grandma...I need a break from changing diapers, maybe twenty years..."

Here's another styled room with my "Sleeping with the Fishes" painting enlarged to fit a midcentury modern style living area.  Thank you, Kellee!

Here's another styled room with my "Sleeping with the Fishes" painting enlarged to fit a midcentury modern style living area.  Thank you, Kellee!

After a fun morning/early afternoon with Kellee, I had my carpenter come over and go over some projects I've been wanting to do...little stuff that will streamline the house a bit.  I think I mentioned how I detest clutter.  I can't paint, much less think when there is stuff not in its place...and with four little ones, that's pretty much all the time.  Anyhow, if I draw something and give my carpenter  dimensions and materials, he can pretty much make anything.  He did the man cave I surprised my husband with last year and my chicken coop, which has kept my hens warm in the single digit temps this month.

Then around three, the kiddos began to trickle in from school and they were famished! So I preheated the oven then taught my nine-year-old how to make authentic lasagna (despite the fact that I have zero Italian genes).  We enjoyed a lovely dinner, then I left for my weekly exercise.  

Every Tuesday night I play three hours of competitive volleyball with a league nearby.  We go from 9pm-12 am.  It's a great workout and I've made some new friends.  My old college team mate, whom I played volleyball and lacrosse with, also plays.  It's such a small world that we'd end up living in the same community...our boys are in the same class.  What are the chances?

It was a great day. Very productive...although now I wish I didn't have those two sugar free Red Bulls before my games tonight...

Tomorrow is Installation Day!
